Thursday, December 12, 2013

Kalamazoo, MI

Growing up in downtown Kalamazoo, Michigan, in the mid 1960's & 1970's, we had bicycle and exploration freedom. I was raised in a 3 story house, on West North Street. This is where  I became aware of the paranormal.

 Although I did not know it as "paranormal," I knew there were ghosts, spirits & haunted places. I was probably 7 or 8 years old, when I observed one of our rocking chairs beginning to rock, back and forth, steadily rocking. Rocking comfortably and peacefully... with no one in the chair. No one that I could see. This was the first of many paranormal incidents that I had the pleasure of being a part of.

As I grew, I was always aware of these incidents, yet as I moved through life, my paranormal interest was put on the back burner. Now, at the age of 54, my interest is off that back burner, and in my present. I just completed and received a certificate in Paranormal Investigation 101. I am currently working on my certification to become a certified Paranormal Investigator.

I will be writing and posting photographs as I go along. There may be no rhyme nor reason to the order in which I write, or the photographs I post, but it is my  hope to generate interest among other people who are interested in Paranormal Investigations/Research and the history behind the locations, events, etc.

TB Hospital circa 2010. WMU purchased property and recently had it demolished. I was one of the lucky ones who adventured and explored it many years ago before vandals and druggies spoiled it. There are townhouses on the property now.
You can GOOGLE TB Hospital, Kalamazoo and find some pretty cool You Tube videos.

The grounds of this place were heavy & dark. This swing set still remained in 2010. 

All images are copyrighted by Crystal Johnson Overhuel. Please do not use images without written permission from author.
The front east side of the building. 2010

*All images and writings are copyrighted by Crystal Johnson Overhuel.

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